Thyroid and mental health articles

…fallible and erroneous TSH test or being on thyroxine T4-only, which can still leave your free T3 in the lower half of the range.) MENTAL ILLNESS AND THYROID ARTICLES Schizophrenia

Thyroid, Depression and Mental Health

…play a role in a variety of emotional and behavioral symptoms and disturbances, including… anxiety excessive fear mood swings like bi-polar rage irritability paranoid schizophrenia confusion dementia obsessive/compulsive disorders any…

References on Thyroid Hormone Usefulness

…tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, and pituitary hormones in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 1994;1:35(3): 151-63 93. Rose SR, Nisula BC. Circadian variation of thyrotropin in childhood. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1989; 68(6):1086-90 94….

Methylation Issues (like MTHFR or other causes)

…converted to methylfolate to be used metabolically. The journal Molecular Psychiatry states that “Schizophrenia-like syndromes, bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia have all been associated with one…